Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day 4-Journey

The sun is not out, but I still feel joyful. Christ has become such a wonderful part of my life. Living with the DeGroff's I am learning each day ways that I can serve the Lord. They are so full of encouragement. Sometimes I learn from just listening.

Another encouragement in my life is my daughter. I love to hear her quote scripture.
She is such a good mother, wife and friend. I love her dearly.

Today is Day 4 on my special diet. I admit I did eat a cookie, but no more!!!
I got on the scales this morning (course my scales never agree with the doctors
scales) BUT, I have lost 5 pounds. To me that is great success!!!!

One of my favorite quotes from the bible is: Pleasant words are like honeycomb,
Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24


Rachel said...

5 lbs is amazing, Eunice! Way to go!

Lynn said...

You are doing such a great job! It is encouraging me to keep feeding my family healthy food, too!!!

p.s. I've never known you to have anything other than pleasant words :o)

Anne said...

good job on your hard work. Praying for you and love you much!!!